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initial version
  1. Create a new repository on Github by clicking the “New repository” button on your Github homepage. Give it an appropriate name that will indicate it's associated with your DBT project.
  2. On your desktop, go to your project folder and zip it to save some space.
  3. Once zipped, go back to Github, and click on “Add file” and select “Upload files”. This will bring up a dialog box where you can upload your zipped project.
  4. Click on the “Commit changes” button once uploading is done. Github will now create an address (URL) that represents your project.
  5. Copy this URL and open your DBT project in your local environment.
  6. Using command-line, navigate to your dbt project root directory.
  7. In the terminal, initialize a Git repository using the command “git init”
  8. Link your local Git repository with the Github repository that you just created by running the command “git remote add origin [URL of your project]”. Replace [URL of your project] with the URL you copied in step 3.
  9. Create a new Git branch using the command “git branch -M main”.
  10. Commit your changes to Github’s server using “git push -u origin main,” and it’s done. Your DBT project, along with all of its contents, is now safe and sound on Github's online repository.