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Here are the steps to create a signal handler that can capture SIGSEGV:

  1. Declare a function with the following signature: void signalhandler(int signalnumber)

  2. Inside the function, use a switch statement to determine which signal has been caught. In this case, the switch statement should check for SIGSEGV.

  3. If SIGSEGV is caught, handle the error appropriately. This could involve printing an error message, logging the error, or taking some other action.

  4. Use the sigaction() function to register the signal handler function with the operating system. This can be done as follows:

struct sigaction action; action.sahandler = signalhandler; sigemptyset(&action.samask); action.saflags = 0; sigaction(SIGSEGV, &action, NULL);

  1. Make sure to include the <signal.h> header file in your code to access the necessary functions and constants.