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There are a few options to address this issue:

  1. Update the webhook to use a supported content type - 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8' is a commonly used content type, so it may be worth investigating why it is not supported and if it can be added as a valid option.

  2. Modify the Java Spring backend to support the content type - depending on the specific implementation of the backend, it may be possible to add support for the content type by modifying the code or configuration settings.

  3. Use a middleware or proxy to convert the webhook payload to a supported content type - a middleware such as Apache Camel or Kong API Gateway can be used to convert the payload of the webhook to a supported format before sending it to the backend. This can be a good option if modifying the backend is not possible or practical.

  4. Contact Adyen support for assistance - if none of the above options are feasible, contacting Adyen support for assistance may be the best course of action. They may have additional suggestions or be able to provide guidance on how to resolve the issue.