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When you restart a session in Google Colab, all of the files that were not saved in Google Drive will be deleted. This includes unzipped files that you may have uploaded to the session.

To avoid losing your files, you can save them to Google Drive or use a cloud storage service like Dropbox or OneDrive. You can also download your files to your local computer before restarting the session.

Here are the steps to save your files to Google Drive:

  1. Open Google Drive in a new tab.
  2. Create a new folder for your Colab files.
  3. In the Colab notebook, navigate to the file you want to save.
  4. Click on the "Files" button in the top left corner of the notebook.
  5. Select "Save a copy to Drive".
  6. Choose the folder you just created in Google Drive.
  7. Click "Save".

Your file will now be saved in Google Drive and will not be deleted when you restart the Colab session.