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initial version
  1. First, create a source and target model classes with a field for the string and the date respectively.

  2. Include the MapStruct dependency in the project.

  3. Create a map struct interface that defines the transformation method. For example:

    public interface StringToDateMapper {
           @Mapping(target = "dateField", source = "stringField", dateFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy")
       TargetModel stringToTarget(String stringField);

    Here, the @Mapper annotation is used to mark the interface as a mapper. The @Mappings and @Mapping annotations are used to define the mapping between the source and target fields. The dateFormat attribute in the @Mapping annotation specifies the format of the date string.

  4. Compile the project to generate the MapStruct mapper implementation.

  5. Use the generated mapper class to transform the string to the date. For example:

    StringToDateMapper mapper = StringToDateMapper.INSTANCE;
    TargetModel target = mapper.stringToTarget("01/01/2022");

    Here, the stringToTarget method is used to transform the string to the target model. The INSTANCE field is used to access the mapper implementation.