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ASP.NET Core can be used to run both REST API and gRPC concurrently by incorporating the following steps:

  1. Define the REST API endpoints using the standard ASP.NET Core MVC framework.

  2. Define the gRPC services and methods using the grpc-dotnet package.

  3. Create a gRPC endpoint using the UseEndpoints method and MapGrpcService method in the Startup.cs file.

  4. Create a REST API endpoint using the UseEndpoints method and MapControllerRoute method in the Startup.cs file.

  5. Configure a server to host both the REST API and gRPC services, such as Kestrel or IIS.

  6. Run both the REST API and gRPC services concurrently on the same server.

  7. Use the appropriate client libraries to consume the REST API and gRPC services from a client application.

By following these steps, you can create an application that provides both REST API and gRPC services concurrently, leveraging the strengths of each technology to deliver high-performance, scalable, and flexible applications.