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The method for managing a one-to-many outbox message using the Kafka Outbox pattern involves the following steps:

  1. Create a database table to store the data that needs to be sent out to multiple consumers. This table is known as the Outbox table.

  2. When a new message needs to be sent, insert it into the Outbox table. The message should include all the necessary metadata about the message, such as the topic name, message key, and payload.

  3. A Kafka consumer reads the Outbox table periodically to check if there are any new messages that need to be sent.

  4. Once a message is read from the Outbox table, the consumer publishes the message to the corresponding Kafka topic, using the topic name and message key specified in the message metadata.

  5. After successfully publishing the message, the consumer marks the message as processed in the Outbox table, so that it won't be delivered again.

  6. If there are multiple Kafka consumers, each consumer will read the Outbox table separately and publish the messages to their respective Kafka topics.

  7. If the Kafka producer is down, the messages will remain in the Outbox table until the producer becomes available again.

By using the Kafka Outbox pattern, you can ensure that multiple consumers receive the same message, even if the producer is down or offline. This pattern can be useful in various applications, including microservices architectures and event-driven systems.