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There can be several reasons why there is a problem with libusb linking properly while cross-compiling Rust's hidapi-rs library for Android. Some of these reasons can be:

  1. Incorrect cross-compilation toolchain: If the cross-compilation toolchain used for compiling the Rust library does not properly support the Android platform or is not configured correctly, it can result in linking errors.

  2. Missing dependencies: Libusb has dependencies that must be available at build time, including libudev and libusb-compat. If these dependencies are not installed or configured correctly, it can cause linking errors.

  3. Incorrect configuration: If the configuration files for the Rust library or for the cross-compilation toolchain are not set up correctly, it can lead to linking errors.

  4. Incompatible versions: If the libusb version being linked is not compatible with the Android platform or with the other libraries being used, it can cause linking errors.

  5. Incorrect system path: If the system path is not set up correctly, the linker may not be able to find the necessary libraries, including libusb, resulting in linking errors.