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One method to conceal the database credentials when using PostgreSQL with the Grafana helm chart is to use Kubernetes secrets.

Firstly, create a secret containing the database credentials:

kubectl create secret generic grafana-postgres-creds \
     --from-literal=POSTGRES_USER=<username> \

Next, update the Grafana deployment to use the secret:

      - name: grafana
        image: grafana/grafana:latest
        - name: "GF_DATABASE_TYPE"
          value: "postgres"
        - name: "GF_DATABASE_HOST"
          value: "<postgres-host>"
        - name: "GF_DATABASE_PORT"
          value: "5432"
        - name: "GF_DATABASE_NAME"
          value: "<database-name>"
        - name: "GF_DATABASE_USER_FILE"
          value: "/run/secrets/grafana-postgres-creds/POSTGRES_USER"
          value: "/run/secrets/grafana-postgres-creds/POSTGRES_PASSWORD"
        - name: grafana-postgres-creds
          readOnly: true
          mountPath: /run/secrets/grafana-postgres-creds
      - name: grafana-postgres-creds
          secretName: grafana-postgres-creds

In the above deployment configuration, the GF_DATABASE_USER_FILE and GF_DATABASE_PASSWORD_FILE environment variables reference the respective files containing the credentials within the grafana-postgres-creds secret. A volume mount is also specified to make the secret available to the Grafana container.

Once the updated deployment is deployed, the database credentials will be retrieved securely from the secret.