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The process for importing specific columns from a file stored in GCS into BigQuery is as follows:

  1. Create a Google Cloud Storage bucket and copy the data file to the bucket.

  2. Create a BigQuery dataset where the data will be stored.

  3. Open the BigQuery console and click on the “Create Table” button.

  4. In the “Create Table” dialog, select the “Google Cloud Storage” option.

  5. In the “Cloud Storage File Path” field, enter the path to the file in the GCS bucket.

  6. In the “File Format” section, select the appropriate format, such as CSV or JSON.

  7. In the “Schema” section, click on the “Edit as Text” button and define the specific columns to import.

  8. In the “Options” section, choose any relevant options, such as defining a specific delimiter or skipping rows.

  9. Click on the “Create Table” button to start the import process.

  10. After the import is complete, the specific columns will be available in the BigQuery dataset for analysis and querying.