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In the "groups" feature of SDK v5 in ms.Graph, pagination works through the use of the OData $top and $skip query parameters.

When working with a large number of groups, the API will return a maximum of 100 groups per request. To retrieve additional groups, use the $skip parameter to skip the first N records, and the $top parameter to specify how many records to return in the next request.

For example, to retrieve the first 100 groups, you can make a GET request to the following endpoint:$top=100

To retrieve the next 100 groups, you can make a GET request to the same endpoint, with the $skip parameter:$top=100&$skip=100

You can continue to use the $skip parameter to retrieve additional pages of results, until you have retrieved all the groups you need.

Note: Be cautious when using the $skip parameter, as it can be slow and resource-intensive for large datasets. It is recommended to use pagination along with filtering and sorting to optimize performance.