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One way to modify a Simple Python Tkinter program to include an on/off function for Dark-mode is by implementing the following steps:

First, create a variable to store the state of the Dark-mode feature. For example, we can create a boolean variable called dark_mode_enabled and initialize it to False by default.

# Initialize the Dark mode state variable
dark_mode_enabled = False

Next, define a function that toggles the state of the dark_mode_enabled variable. This function will be called whenever the user clicks on the Dark-mode button.

def toggle_dark_mode():
    global dark_mode_enabled
    dark_mode_enabled = not dark_mode_enabled
    # Update the color scheme of the GUI components based on the Dark-mode state
    if dark_mode_enabled:
        # Set the background and foreground colors to a darker shade
        label.config(bg="#222222", fg="#FFFFFF")
        button.config(bg="#FFFFFF", fg="#222222")
        # Set the background and foreground colors to the default shade
        label.config(bg="#FFFFFF", fg="#222222")
        button.config(bg="#222222", fg="#FFFFFF")

Note that in this function, we are using the global keyword to access the dark_mode_enabled variable, which is defined outside this function.

Also, we are updating the color scheme of the GUI components based on the state of the dark_mode_enabled variable. When the Dark-mode is enabled, we set the background and foreground colors to a darker shade, and when it is disabled, we set them to the default shade.

Finally, we need to create a button that calls the toggle_dark_mode function when clicked. We can use a tkinter.Button widget and set its command option to the toggle_dark_mode function.

# Create a button to toggle the Dark-mode feature
button = tkinter.Button(root, text="Dark-mode", command=toggle_dark_mode)

Here's the complete program with the Dark-mode feature:

import tkinter

# Initialize the Tkinter window
root = tkinter.Tk()

# Set the window title
root.title("Simple Tkinter Program")

# Set the window size

# Initialize the Dark mode state variable
dark_mode_enabled = False

# Define the function to toggle the Dark-mode feature
def toggle_dark_mode():
    global dark_mode_enabled
    dark_mode_enabled = not dark_mode_enabled
    # Update the color scheme of the GUI components based on the Dark-mode state
    if dark_mode_enabled:
        # Set the background and foreground colors to a darker shade
        label.config(bg="#222222", fg="#FFFFFF")
        button.config(bg="#FFFFFF", fg="#222222")
        # Set the background and foreground colors to the default shade
        label.config(bg="#FFFFFF", fg="#222222")
        button.config(bg="#222222", fg="#FFFFFF")

# Create a label widget
label = tkinter.Label(root, text="Hello, World!")

# Create a button to toggle the Dark-mode feature
button = tkinter.Button(root, text="Dark-mode", command=toggle_dark_mode)

# Start the Tkinter event loop

In this program, we have added a Dark-mode button that toggles the state of the Dark-mode feature. When the Dark-mode is enabled, the background and foreground colors of the GUI components are set to a darker shade, and when it is disabled, they are set to the default shade.