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To specify the time frame for sentiment analysis in a Google search using Python, you can add the "tbs" parameter to your search query URL. This parameter allows you to specify the time frame in which you want to analyze the sentiment of the search results.

For example, if you want to analyze the sentiment of search results only from the past month, you can use the following URL format:<your+query>&tbs=qdr:m

In this URL, "qdr:m" specifies that you only want to see results from the past month (m).

You can use Python to build this URL and then use a sentiment analysis library such as NLTK or TextBlob to analyze the sentiment of the search results. Here is an example code snippet:

import urllib

query = "example query"
timeframe = "qdr:m"
url = "" + urllib.parse.quote_plus(query) + "&tbs=" + timeframe

# Use NLTK or TextBlob to analyze sentiment of search results

Replace "example query" with your desired search query and "qdr:m" with the desired timeframe parameter.