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There are a few effective methods for debugging TypeScript dependencies and remapping the /src directory:

  1. Use an IDE that supports TypeScript debugging. Visual Studio Code, for example, has built-in support for TypeScript debugging and offers a variety of powerful debugging tools that can help you debug your code.

  2. Use the debugger keyword to add breakpoints in your code. By adding the debugger keyword to your TypeScript code, you can set breakpoints in your code to help you isolate and fix bugs.

  3. Use console.log statements to log information to the console. By using console.log statements in your code, you can log information to the console and get a better understanding of what is happening in your code.

  4. Use the source maps generated by TypeScript to map your .ts files back to your original .jsx or .js files. This will help you see the original code and effectively debug your code.

  5. Use the Chrome Developer Tools to help you debug your TypeScript dependencies. By using the Chrome Developer Tools, you can set breakpoints, log information to the console, and step through your code to isolate and fix bugs.