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Restify provides various paths that allow developers to accomplish different tasks, such as:

  1. HTTP methods: Restify supports standard HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS, and HEAD.

  2. Route parameters: Developers can define parameters in their URL routes and access them within the route handler function.

  3. Query parameters: Query parameters can be used to filter, sort or paginate data.

  4. Regular expressions: Restify supports regular expressions in path routing, giving developers greater flexibility in defining routes.

  5. Wildcards: Developers can use wildcards to define routes that match a pattern rather than a specific URL.

  6. Middleware: Restify allows developers to add middleware to handle requests before they reach the route handler function. This allows for things like authentication, rate limiting, and caching.

  7. Sub-routes: Developers can define sub-routes to group related routes together and apply middleware to a group of routes.

  8. Static files: Restify can serve static files such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.