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There could be multiple reasons for not receiving any audio when connected to WebRTC after launching an app in the background with PushKit and CallKit, while on the lock screen. Some of the possible reasons are:

  1. Network connectivity issues: If the network connectivity is poor or unstable, it can affect the audio quality or even disrupt the audio altogether.

  2. Device interference: If there are other apps or devices in the vicinity that are emitting radio signals, it can create interference and disrupt the audio quality.

  3. Incorrect audio settings: Wrong settings in the WebRTC app or in the device's audio settings can also cause audio issues.

  4. Battery-saving mode: If the device is in battery-saving mode or low battery, it can affect the audio quality or turn off audio altogether to conserve power.

  5. Bugs or glitches: There could be bugs or glitches in the WebRTC app or in the iOS system that are causing the audio issues.