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You can create clones of QFrames by using the QFrame's clone() method. This method creates a new QFrame object with the same properties as the original QFrame.

To save the parameters of each QFrame, you can create a dictionary to store the parameters. You can then add each dictionary to a list to keep track of all the QFrames and their parameters.

Here's an example code snippet:

import sys
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QFrame

app = QApplication(sys.argv)

# create a dictionary to store QFrame parameters
frame_params = {'geometry': (100, 100, 100, 100), 'frameShape': QFrame.WinPanel, 'frameShadow': QFrame.Raised}

# create the first QFrame and add its parameters to the list
frame1 = QFrame()
frames = [{'frame': frame1, 'params': frame_params}]

# create a clone of the first QFrame and add its parameters to the list
frame2 = frame1.clone()
frame2.move(150, 0)
frames.append({'frame': frame2, 'params': frame_params})

# create another QFrame with different parameters and add its parameters to the list
frame_params2 = {'geometry': (200, 200, 100, 100), 'frameShape': QFrame.Box, 'frameShadow': QFrame.Plain}
frame3 = QFrame()
frames.append({'frame': frame3, 'params': frame_params2})

# show all the QFrames
for frame_data in frames:


In this example, we create two clones of the first QFrame, and both clones have the same parameters as the original QFrame. We then create a third QFrame with different parameters and add its parameters to the list.

When we show all the QFrames, we iterate over the list of QFrames and call show() on each QFrame in turn.