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When there are missing columns in the corresponding parquet file, Clickhouse will raise an error while trying to insert data. To resolve this issue, there are a few possible solutions:

  1. Add the missing columns to the parquet file: You can modify the parquet file to include the missing columns. This can be done using tools like Apache Arrow, Parquet-tools, or Pandas. Once the columns are added, you can insert the data into Clickhouse without any issues.

  2. Use a default value for the missing columns: If adding the missing columns is not an option, you can use default values for the missing columns while inserting data into Clickhouse. Clickhouse allows you to specify default values for columns that are not present in the data.

  3. Use a schema alias: Another option is to use schema aliases in Clickhouse. You can create a schema alias with a different set of columns that match the parquet file. This way, you can insert data into Clickhouse without modifying the parquet file.