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It's possible that the meta tags from Headcontent are not properly set up or configured in Blazor server. The Headcontent component is used to define metadata for a Blazor server application's HTML document, such as the title, description, and keywords.

Some possible reasons why the meta tags are not being displayed could be:

  1. The Headcontent component is not included in the Blazor server application's layout file.
  2. The meta tags are not properly formatted or have typos.
  3. The Blazor server application is not properly hydrated or rendered, causing the Headcontent component to not function properly.

To troubleshoot this issue, you can try the following steps:

  1. Check if the Headcontent component is included in the layout file of the Blazor server application.
  2. Make sure that the meta tags are properly formatted and do not contain any syntax errors.
  3. Try re-rendering the Blazor server application or checking the console for any errors that may be causing issues with rendering the meta tags.

With some debugging and troubleshooting, it should be possible to ensure that the meta tags from Headcontent are properly displayed in Blazor server.