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Here are the steps to integrate the PayPal payment gateway into a Flutter app that connects to Magento 2 web using the login details of username, password, and signature:

  1. Install the paypalsdkflutter package in your Flutter app. You can do this by adding the following line to your pubspec.yaml file:
  paypal_sdk_flutter: ^1.1.0
  1. Create a PayPal account and obtain the API credentials, including the username, password, and signature. These credentials will be used to authenticate your app with PayPal.

  2. Configure the PayPal SDK in your Flutter app by adding the following lines of code to your main.dart file:

import 'package:paypal_sdk_flutter/paypal_sdk_flutter.dart';

final String clientId = 'your_client_id';
final String secret = 'your_secret';

void main() async {
  PayPalConfiguration configuration = PayPalConfiguration(
    merchantName: 'Your Merchant Name',
    clientId: clientId,
    secret: secret,
    environment: PayPalEnvironment.Sandbox,

  await PayPal.init(configuration);

  1. Implement the PayPal payment functionality in your app. Here is a basic example:
import 'package:paypal_sdk_flutter/paypal_sdk_flutter.dart';

Future<void> initiatePayment() async {
  PayPalPaymentDetails details = PayPalPaymentDetails(
    subtotal: '10.00',
    shipping: '0.00',
    tax: '0.00',

  PayPalPayment payment = PayPalPayment(
    amount: '10.00',
    currencyCode: 'USD',
    shortDescription: 'Payment Description',
    paymentDetails: details,

  PayPalResponse<dynamic> response = await PayPal.requestPayment(payment);

  if (response.statusCode == 200) {
    // Payment was successful
  } else {
    // Payment failed
  1. Use the Magento 2 API to process the payment on the backend. You will need to send the payment details to the web server and verify the payment status with PayPal.

  2. Once the payment has been processed successfully, you can redirect the user to a confirmation page or display a success message.

Note: This is just a basic example of how to integrate PayPal payments into a Flutter app using Magento 2 web. You may need to customize the code to fit your specific requirements.