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Here's a simple example of retrieving a user's items from a list and returning them in C# (.NET 5):

// Define a list of items
List<string> itemList = new List<string> { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" };

// Define a method to retrieve a user's items
public List<string> GetItems(string userId)
    // In this example, let's assume userId maps to an index in the list
    int index = int.Parse(userId) - 1;

    // Return the items at the specified index
    return new List<string> { itemList[index] };

// Call the method to retrieve a user's items
List<string> userItems = GetItems("2"); // returns ["Item 2"]

Note that this is a very basic example and does not include error handling or more complex scenarios where a user may have multiple items.