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There could be a few reasons why your navigation implemented using JavaScript is not visible on the screen. Here are some possible scenarios:

  1. CSS Issues: Navigation requires proper CSS styling to make it visible on the screen. Make sure that you have written the correct CSS properties and selectors for your navigation. Check if the CSS code is applying properly to the HTML elements used for navigation.

  2. JavaScript Error: There might be an error in your JavaScript code, which prevents the navigation from functioning correctly. Check your JavaScript console for errors and fix them accordingly. If you’re unable to find the error, you can post your code on a public Git repository or stack overflow for help.

  3. DOM Manipulation Issues: Navigation requires manipulation of the DOM (Document Object Model) to make it visible on the screen. Make sure that you are manipulating the DOM elements correctly and placing them in the right location.

  4. Loading Issues: Make sure that the HTML and CSS files are loading correctly. If the files are not loading, the JavaScript code won’t work, and the navigation won’t be visible on the screen.

  5. Conflict With Other JavaScript Libraries: If you’re using other JavaScript libraries or frameworks on your website, there might be a conflict between them and your navigation code. Check for conflicts and resolve them accordingly.

In any case, make sure to check your code for errors, and if you still can’t find a solution, ask for help from a developer or programmer.