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There could be a few reasons why the Install-Module command is not recognized or available as a cmdlet:

  1. The version of PowerShell being used may not support the Install-Module command. This cmdlet was introduced in PowerShell version 5.0, so if an earlier version is being used, it will not be available.

  2. The PowerShell execution policy may be blocking the Install-Module command. The execution policy is a security feature that can restrict the use of certain PowerShell cmdlets. To check the execution policy, use the Get-ExecutionPolicy command.

  3. The required module for the Install-Module command may not be loaded. The PackageManagement module is required to use the Install-Module command. To check if the module is loaded, use the Get-Module command.

To resolve these issues, update to a newer version of PowerShell, adjust the execution policy, or ensure that the required module is loaded.