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There are a few steps you can take to update a Blazor component after making changes to the database:

  1. Ensure that your component is bound to a data source, either through a property or a method call.

  2. When changes are made to the database, trigger an event or update a value that will indicate that the data has changed.

  3. In your component, handle the event or check the value to determine if the data has changed.

  4. If the data has changed, rebind the data source or update the affected parts of the component to reflect the changes.

Here's an example of what this could look like:

  1. In your component, set up a property to hold the data:
private List<MyData> _myDataList;

protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
    _myDataList = await MyDataService.GetMyDataAsync();
  1. In your service layer, implement a method to update the data and trigger an event:
public async Task UpdateMyDataAsync(MyData newData)
    await MyDatabase.UpdateDataAsync(newData);
    MyDataUpdated?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);

public event EventHandler MyDataUpdated;
  1. In your component, handle the event and update the data source:
protected override void OnInitialized()
    MyDataService.MyDataUpdated += HandleDataUpdated;

private void HandleDataUpdated(object sender, EventArgs e)
    _myDataList = await MyDataService.GetMyDataAsync();
  1. Finally, ensure that any data-bound HTML elements are updated to reflect the changes:
    @foreach (var data in _myDataList)