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In Vue JS, the window size can be retrieved using the following method:

  1. Create a data property to hold the window size.

    data() {
     return {
       windowSize: {
         width: window.innerWidth,
         height: window.innerHeight
  2. Add an event listener to the mounted hook to update the window size when it is resized.

    mounted() {
     window.addEventListener("resize", this.getWindowSize);
    beforeDestroy() {
     window.removeEventListener("resize", this.getWindowSize);
    methods: {
     getWindowSize() {
       this.windowSize = {
         width: window.innerWidth,
         height: window.innerHeight
  3. Use the windowSize property wherever it is needed in the Vue component.

       <p>Window Width: {{ windowSize.width }}</p>
       <p>Window Height: {{ windowSize.height }}</p>