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To create a new column in a dataframe when a certain value meets a range in relation to another column's value, you can use pandas' "apply" method with a lambda function that checks if the value in the other column is within the desired range.

For example, if you have a dataframe called "df" with a column "A" and you want to create a new column "B" that has the string "high" if the value in column "A" is greater than 10, and "low" if it's less than or equal to 10, you can do the following:

df['B'] = df['A'].apply(lambda x: 'high' if x > 10 else 'low')

This will create a new column in the dataframe called "B" with the values 'high' or 'low' depending on the value in column "A". You can modify the lambda function to apply any range or condition you desire.