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Yes, you can use the LINQ join operator to access the one to many relationship in .NET 6's entity framework. Here's an example:

Assuming you have two entities, Order and OrderItem, where one Order can have multiple OrderItems.

First, you would need to include the OrderItems navigation property in your query:

var orders = dbContext.Orders.Include(o => o.OrderItems);

Then, you can use the join operator to retrieve the Order and its corresponding OrderItems:

var result = from order in orders
             join item in dbContext.OrderItems on order.Id equals item.OrderId
             select new
                 OrderId = order.Id,
                 ItemId = item.Id,
                 ItemName = item.Name

This query will return a list of anonymous objects that contain the OrderId, ItemId, and ItemName.

By using the join operator, you can access the one to many relationship without relying on the nested model.