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There could be a few potential reasons for this issue. Here are some possible solutions:

  1. Ensure that the component passing the value to the App.js component is implemented correctly. Double-check that the prop values are being passed down correctly and that there isn't a typo or syntax error.

  2. Make sure that the App.js component is properly accepting the value being passed down to it. Check that the prop name matches the name being used in the component and that the value is correctly assigned to the component's state or props.

  3. Consider using a state management tool like Redux or Context to share state across your components. This can help prevent issues with prop drilling and ensure that your components always have access to the information they need.

  4. If you're using hooks, ensure that you're correctly updating the state using the useState or useReducer hooks. If the state isn't updating, this could be the reason why the App.js component isn't receiving the value.

  5. Finally, triple-check that there isn't an issue with the component hierarchy or rendering order that's causing the App.js component to receive the value after it has already rendered. You may need to restructure your components or use lifecycle methods to ensure that the value is always available when needed.