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The steps to activate GitLab Container Registry and upload a docker image to it are:

  1. Sign in to GitLab with your credentials.

  2. Click on the "Settings" option from the left-hand sidebar menu.

  3. Navigate to the "CI/CD" tab on the Settings page.

  4. Scroll down to the "Container Registry" section on the page.

  5. Enable the "Container Registry" option by clicking the toggle button.

  6. Review the permissions for the Container Registry to ensure that it is set up to match your needs.

  7. Generate an access token for the Container Registry by clicking on the "Create Personal Access Token" button.

  8. Copy the access token to your clipboard.

  9. Build your docker image and tag it with the GitLab repository URL.

  10. Authenticate with the GitLab Container Registry using Docker: docker login -u <gitlab-username> -p <access-token> <gitlab-registry-url>

  11. Push the docker image to the GitLab Container Registry by running docker push <gitlab-registry-url>/<repository-name>:<tag>.

  12. Your docker image is now uploaded and available on the GitLab Container Registry.