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There are a few potential solutions to resolve a Qt string encoding issue:

  1. Convert the string to the desired encoding using the Qt codec system. You can use QTextCodec::codecForName() to retrieve a codec for a specific encoding, then use codec->toUnicode() or codec->fromUnicode() to convert the string.
  2. Ensure that your source code and any external resources (such as text files) are saved in the same encoding as your application expects. This can prevent encoding issues from occurring.
  3. Check that your application is correctly handling and interpreting input and output text from external sources. For example, if you're reading text from a file, make sure you're opening the file in the correct encoding and reading the text using the correct codec.
  4. Use a third-party library, such as ICU (International Components for Unicode), to handle more advanced text processing and encoding functionality.
  5. Ensure that any third-party libraries or components your application uses are compatible with the encoding you're working with.