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If you are encountering a "process not found" issue in Nuxt 3 configuration, try the following solution:

  1. Check if you have installed all the required dependencies. To do this, go to the root folder of your project and run the command npm install.

  2. Make sure that you have set up the correct environment variables in your Nuxt configuration.

  3. Check your Nuxt configuration files for any errors. You can use a JSON validator or an online tool to help you find any syntax errors in your configuration files.

  4. Verify that the paths to the necessary files and directories are correct.

  5. Clear your cache and restart the server with the node restart command.

If none of the above steps resolved the issue, consider using a process manager such as PM2 or Forever to manage your Nuxt application. These tools can help you monitor and automatically restart your application if it crashes or stops running for some reason.