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There could be several reasons why the performance of Heroku is lower compared to the local environment on a standard 2-x dyno, including but not limited to:

  1. Network latency: Heroku is a cloud-based platform, which means that your application is running on a remote server. This can cause network latency issues, which can slow down the performance of your application.

  2. Limited resources: Heroku uses shared resources to run applications on its platform. This means that your application is not running on a dedicated server and may have limited access to resources, such as CPU, RAM, and storage. This can limit the ability of your application to handle high traffic volumes and can lead to slower performance.

  3. Deployment process: The deployment process on Heroku involves building and running your application within a container, which can be slower than running your application locally. Additionally, Heroku may have stricter security and compliance requirements, which can add additional steps to the deployment process and slow down performance.

  4. Scaling limitations: Heroku has scaling limitations that can impact the performance of your application. For example, if you are using a standard 2-x dyno and your application experiences a sudden surge in traffic, it may not be able to handle the increased load and may experience performance issues.

Overall, the performance of Heroku can be impacted by a variety of factors, including network latency, limited resources, deployment process, and scaling limitations. It is important to consider these factors when choosing a hosting platform for your application and to optimize your application for the specific environment in which it will be running.