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To retain the returned content while utilizing the OpenAI stream=true attribute within a Django Rest Framework response, follow these steps:

  1. Create a streaming response object using Django's StreamingHttpResponse class.

  2. Generate the OpenAI response using the OpenAI API.

  3. Iterate over the response, sending chunks of the data to the streaming response object.

  4. Send a response with the streaming response object.

Here's an example code snippet:

from django.http import StreamingHttpResponse
from openai import api_key, Model, models

class OpenAIView(APIView):
    def get(self, request):
        # Set up the OpenAI API parameters
        prompt = "Some prompt"
        model = Model(engine="davinci", api_key=api_key)

        # Generate the OpenAI response
        response = model.complete(prompt=prompt, max_tokens=50, n=1, stop=None, temperature=0.5)

        # Create the streaming response object
        response_streaming = StreamingHttpResponse(streaming_content=(chunk for chunk in response), content_type='text/plain')

        # Return the streaming response object
        return response_streaming

This code will create a streaming response object that iterates over the OpenAI response and sends it to the client in chunks. This allows the response to be retained while also utilizing the OpenAI stream=true attribute.