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Laravel 9's Rate Limiter works with job queues by allowing you to limit the rate at which jobs are processed. This is useful when you have a large number of jobs that need to be processed, but you don't want to overwhelm your system and cause it to crash.

The rate limiter works by limiting the number of jobs that can be processed within a certain time period. For example, you could limit the number of jobs that are allowed to be processed to 10 per minute. If there are more than 10 jobs in the queue, they will be queued and processed later when the limit has been lifted.

To use the rate limiter with job queues, you can set the limit by calling the throttle method on the queue worker. For example:

php artisan queue:work --queue=emails --tries=3 --throttle=10

This command will process jobs from the emails queue, with a maximum of 3 tries, and a rate limit of 10 jobs per minute.

Overall, Laravel 9's Rate Limiter provides a powerful tool for managing job queues and ensuring that your system remains stable and responsive, even under high load conditions.