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To select cells in a UICollectionView by dragging your finger over them, you can implement the following steps:

  1. First, you need to add a long press gesture recognizer to the UICollectionView.

  2. Implement the didLongPress() method, which will get called when the user long-presses on a cell.

  3. In the didLongPress() method, you can get the location of the touch by calling the location(in:) method on the long press gesture recognizer.

  4. You can then use the indexPathForItem(at:) method of the UICollectionView to get the index path of the cell at the touched location.

  5. Once you have the index path, select the cell by calling the selectItem(at:animated:scrollPosition:) method.

  6. Implement the didPan() method, which will be called when the user drags their finger over the cells.

  7. In the didPan() method, get the location of the touch by calling the location(in:) method on the pan gesture recognizer.

  8. Use the indexPathForItem(at:) method of the UICollectionView to get the index path of the cell at the touched location.

  9. If the index path is different from the previously selected index path, deselect the previously selected cell and select the new cell.

  10. Finally, you can implement the didEndDragging() method to deselect all the selected cells once the user stops dragging their finger.

By following these steps, you can select cells in a UICollectionView by dragging your finger over them.