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The CATALINABASE and CATALINAHOME variables are environment variables used in Tomcat to control the location of files and configurations.

  • CATALINA_HOME refers to the root directory of the Tomcat installation. This variable is used to set the location of the default configuration files, web applications, and other Tomcat binaries.
  • CATALINA_BASE, on the other hand, is used to specify the location of the primary configuration files and web applications.

To utilize these variables in Tomcat, you can follow these steps:

  1. Set the CATALINA_HOME variable to the root directory of your Tomcat installation:

    export CATALINA_HOME=/path/to/tomcat

  2. Set the CATALINA_BASE variable to the desired directory where your primary configuration and web applications will be located:

    export CATALINA_BASE=/path/to/myapp

  3. Modify the Tomcat scripts (, catalina.bat) to use the CATALINAHOME and CATALINABASE variables instead of hardcoding the paths.

  4. Start Tomcat using the modified scripts or pass the variables as arguments:

    ./ run -Dcatalina.home=$CATALINAHOME -Dcatalina.base=$CATALINABASE

By utilizing these variables, you can easily manage multiple instances of Tomcat on the same server with different configurations and web applications.