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To generate distinct classes for a customized Antlr4 target, you can follow these steps:

  1. Determine the target language: Antlr4 supports a variety of target languages such as Java, Python, C#, JavaScript, and many others. Choose the target language that you want to generate the classes for.

  2. Create a new target: If the target language is not already supported by Antlr4, you can create a new target by implementing the Target interface. This allows you to customize how the Antlr4 grammar is translated into code for your target language.

  3. Define your classes: Once you have created your target, you can define your classes that will be generated by Antlr4. These classes will typically include a lexer, a parser, and any additional classes that your grammar requires.

  4. Generate your classes: To generate your classes, you can use the Antlr4 tool with the -Dlanguage option set to the name of your target language. For example, if you have defined a target called MyTarget, you would use the following command to generate your classes:

java -cp antlr4.jar org.antlr.v4.Tool -Dlanguage=MyTarget MyGrammar.g4

This will generate the classes for your target language in the output directory specified by Antlr4.

  1. Build and test your code: Once you have generated your classes, you can build and test your code to ensure that everything is working correctly. If you encounter any issues, you may need to adjust your target or your class definitions to better fit your needs.

By following these steps, you can generate distinct classes for a customized Antlr4 target that is tailored to your specific needs.