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There are multiple ways to achieve this, one of which is to use the "success" option of the $.ajax function to execute the jQuery script after the AJAX call is successful. Here is an example:

jQuery.ajax({ url: "yourajaxurl", method: "POST", data: { /* your data */ }, success: function(response){ // execute your jQuery script here, for example: jQuery("#your-element").addClass("active"); } });

In this example, the AJAX call is made using the jQuery.ajax function, specifying the URL, method, and data. The success option is also defined, which is a function that will be called when the AJAX call is successful. In this function, you can execute your jQuery script, which can manipulate the DOM, add classes, or perform any other functionality.

You can place this code in your theme's JavaScript file or in a custom plugin. Note that the "yourajaxurl" should correspond to the URL of the PHP function that handles the AJAX call.