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There are several ways to speed up Docker operations on WSL2:

  1. Increase the resources allocated to your WSL2 installation by going to the settings of your WSL2 instance and increasing the memory and CPU limits.

  2. Change the Docker daemon storage driver from overlay2 to something like vfs or overlay. To do this, edit the Docker daemon configuration file located in /etc/docker/daemon.json and add the following line:

"storage-driver": "overlay"

  1. Use Docker Compose to manage your containers, as it can help speed up the process of building and running multiple containers simultaneously.

  2. Use Docker volumes to mount a directory from your host machine into your container. This can help speed up the process of copying files into your container.

  3. Disable anti-virus software and other resource-intensive applications when running Docker operations. This can free up resources for Docker to use and speed up the process.

  4. Use the latest version of Docker and WSL2, as newer versions may have performance improvements over older ones.