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Here are the steps to follow for constructing Licode sources for utilization in Android JNI:

  1. Firstly, install the Android NDK on your system. This will facilitate the compilation of native code.

  2. Clone the Licode repository from GitHub. You can do this by running the following command on the terminal: git clone

  3. Check out the version of Licode that you want to use. You can find the available versions by running git tag and selecting the appropriate one.

  4. Navigate to the licode/erizo_controller directory and run make. This will compile the native code and create the erizo_controller library.

  5. Create an Android Project with JNI support.

  6. Move the erizo_controller library to the jni folder in the Android project.

  7. Create a JNI interface that will act as a bridge between the native and Java code. This interface should contain the necessary functions to call the erizo_controller library.

  8. Write the Java code that will utilize the JNI interface to communicate with the erizo_controller library.

  9. Build and run the Android project on an appropriate device or emulator.

By following these steps, you should be able to successfully construct Licode sources for utilization in Android JNI.