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There may be a few reasons why MariaDB produces an error for a subquery's unknown column while MySQL does not:

  1. MariaDB is stricter when it comes to SQL standards and syntax. It might be possible that the query that runs on MySQL is not actually valid SQL and MariaDB is simply following the standard more closely.

  2. MariaDB could have different default settings than MySQL. For example, the SQL mode in MariaDB may be configured to be stricter than MySQL, which would cause certain queries to fail.

  3. The version of MariaDB being used may have changed since the last time the query was executed on MySQL. It's possible that the newer version of MariaDB has different behavior or requirements than the version of MySQL that was used previously.

Overall, while MariaDB and MySQL are very similar database management systems, there may be some subtle differences in behavior that could cause one to produce an error while the other does not.