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To transform a list into a page using Spring, we need to follow these steps:

  1. Create a Spring Controller class: We need to create a controller class with the appropriate annotations such as @Controller and @RequestMapping.

  2. Create a Service class: We need to create a Service class that provides the data that needs to be displayed on the page.

  3. Create a DTO class: We need to create a DTO (Data Transfer Object) class to represent the data that is going to be displayed on the page.

  4. Create a JSP file: We need to create a JSP file to display the data that is returned from the Service class.

  5. Implement pagination: We need to implement a paging mechanism to display a certain number of records per page.

  6. Bind the list with pagination: We need to bind the list returned from the Service class with the pagination data and pass it to the JSP file for display.

  7. Add navigation links: We need to add navigation links to allow the user to navigate to the next or previous page.

  8. Test the application: We need to test the application to ensure that the data is being displayed correctly and the pagination is working as expected.

Overall, by following these steps, we can easily transform a list into a page using Spring.