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initial version
  1. Retrieve the value from the database: The first step in configuring the radio button according to the retrieved value from the database is to retrieve the value from the database. You can do this by using SQL query to select the data from the database.

  2. Set the radio button: After retrieving the value from the database, you can set the radio button according to the value received. You can use jQuery or JavaScript functions to set the radio button.

  3. Assign values: Assign the value to each radio button. You can assign values to each option using jQuery or JavaScript functions.

  4. Check the selected value: When the user selects a radio button, you will have to check the selected value against the value retrieved from the database to ensure that it matches.

  5. Update the Database: Finally, if the user changes the radio button selection, you will have to update the database with the new value. You can use a SQL update query to update the value in the database.