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  1. Faster query performance: Materialized views with underlying tables with constraint indexes can significantly speed up query performance. This is because the constraint index allows the materialized view to access the data more quickly and efficiently.

  2. Reduced workload on the database: By creating a materialized view with an underlying table that has a constraint index, the workload on the database is reduced. This is because the materialized view can answer queries faster and more efficiently, which means that the database has to do less work.

  3. Improved data quality: Materialized views with underlying tables with constraint indexes can improve data quality. This is because the constraint index ensures that the data in the materialized view is consistent and accurate.

  4. Increased scalability: Materialized views with underlying tables with constraint indexes can increase scalability. This is because they can handle more queries and users without experiencing a decrease in performance.

  5. Reduced maintenance: Materialized views with underlying tables with constraint indexes can require less maintenance. This is because the constraint index ensures that the data in the materialized view is accurate, which means that there is less need for manual intervention.