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In JSON format, SQL joins can be expressed by creating a nested JSON object containing the related data from both tables. This can be achieved by using the JOIN keyword to combine the tables and then selecting the desired columns to include in the JSON output. For example, consider the following SQL query:

SELECT Customers.CustomerName, Orders.OrderDate FROM Customers INNER JOIN Orders ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID

This could be represented in JSON format as:

{ "customers":[ { "name":"Customer1", "orders":[ { "date":"2021-08-01" }, { "date":"2021-07-15" } ] }, { "name":"Customer2", "orders":[ { "date":"2021-08-05" }, { "date":"2021-07-30" }, { "date":"2021-07-01" } ] } ] }

Here, the "customers" array contains nested objects for each customer, with each object containing the customer's name and a nested "orders" array. The "orders" array contains objects for each order, with each object containing the order date.