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initial version
  1. Use ChartPanel instead of ChartFrame: ChartPanel can be easily embedded in a JPanel and resized along with the container. This makes the chart scalable without any additional effort.

  2. Choose appropriate Layout Managers: Using a proper layout manager such as BorderLayout, GridBagLayout or GridLayout can aid in scaling the chart components.

  3. Set preferred chart size: Set preferred chart size, either through ChartPanel or ChartFrame, so that when the container is resized, the chart is scaled proportionally.

  4. Use Resizable Axis: Use ResizableAxis to ensure that the axis labels and tick marks adjust automatically when the chart is resized.

  5. Enable Antialiasing: Enable antialiasing for smoothing the graphics as the chart is scaled up or down.

  6. Use high-resolution images: Use high-resolution images for capturing the chart to avoid loss of quality when the chart is scaled up.

  7. Avoid complex chart layouts: Avoid complex chart layouts with overlapping components, as they are difficult to scale and can cause visual distortions.

  8. Use consistent font sizes: Use consistent font sizes throughout the chart to ensure that the text is legible at different scaling levels.