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The "308 Permanent Redirect" error in a private nginx Ingress controller on Kubernetes (AKS) is usually caused by a misconfiguration in the nginx Ingress controller or the backend services it is configured to point to. The error occurs when a client makes a request to a URL that has been previously moved to a new location permanently, and the server hosting the original URL sends a redirect response with a 308 status code and a new location for the client to follow.

Some possible causes of the error include:

  1. A misconfigured nginx Ingress controller that is not correctly handling redirects or forwarding requests to the correct backend services.

  2. A missing or incorrect "location" directive in the nginx configuration file that is causing the server to return a 308 redirect response.

  3. A misconfigured backend service that is not responding correctly to requests from the nginx Ingress controller.

  4. A misconfigured SSL certificate or certificate chain that is causing the nginx Ingress controller to return a 308 redirect response.

To troubleshoot the error, check the nginx Ingress controller and backend service configurations for any misconfigurations or errors. Also, check the SSL certificate and certificate chain for any issues that may be causing the error.