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The process for obtaining and recording all Linq To Db queries in a database table can be divided into the following steps:

  1. Create a new database table: Create a database table that will store all the Linq To Db queries along with their execution details. The table should have columns like QueryId, QueryText, ExecutionStartTime, ExecutionEndTime, ExecutionStatus, etc.

  2. Create a new query logger class: This class will be responsible for intercepting all the Linq To Db queries executed by the system and logging them into the database table. The class should implement IDbConnectionInterceptor and override the relevant methods like QueryExecuting, QueryExecuted, etc.

  3. Register the query logger class: After creating the query logger class, register it with the Linq To Db provider by using the AddInterceptor method. This will allow the query logger class to intercept all the Linq To Db queries executed by the system and log them into the database table.

  4. Implement logging logic: In the query logger class, implement the logic for logging the Linq To Db queries into the database table. This will involve inserting a new row into the database table with the details of the query, its execution time, and its execution status.

  5. Test the logging: After implementing the logging logic, test it by executing some Linq To Db queries and verifying that they are logged into the database table.

By following these steps, you can implement a process for obtaining and recording all Linq To Db queries in a database table. This will allow you to monitor and analyze the performance of your system and identify any performance bottlenecks.