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initial version
  1. Choose a design for your pin: The first step in creating numbered SVG pins for a map is choosing the design of the pin. This can include the shape, color, and font for the numbers.

  2. Create your SVG file: Once you have a design in mind, you will need to create an SVG file using a vector graphics editor such as Adobe Illustrator, Sketch or Inkscape. This file should include the pin design and the numbers you want to use, as well as any other details you want to include.

  3. Add numerical values: In the SVG file, identify numerical values for each individual pin that represents a specific location on the map. Assigning sequential numerical values is an option.

  4. Upload the SVG file: Upload the SVG file and any CSS style sheets to your server or content delivery network, as well as to your content management system.

  5. Integrate into the map code: Integrate the SVG pins into your map code by adding a JavaScript function that calls the SVG file, dynamically places the pin at the specified location on the map and displays the assigned numerical value.

  6. Test the pins: Finally, test the numbered SVG pins to make sure they load and display correctly on the map. Debug any issues that might arise.