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One way to display a modal on a route while keeping the parent route displayed in the background is to use a modal component that is nested within the parent component.

The modal component can be conditionally rendered based on whether a modal state is true or false. When the state is true, the modal component will be displayed on top of the parent component, but the parent component will still be visible in the background.

To achieve this, we can create a state in the parent component to control whether the modal is visible or not. The state can be toggled by an event in the parent component, such as a button click or a link click.

For example, if we have a parent component called "Home" and a modal component called "ModalComponent", we can implement the following code:

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import ModalComponent from './ModalComponent';

function Home() {
  const [isModalVisible, setIsModalVisible] = useState(false);

  const handleModalToggle = () => {

  return (
      {/* Parent component content */}
      <button onClick={handleModalToggle}>Open Modal</button>

      {/* Conditional render of modal component */}
      {isModalVisible && (
        <ModalComponent onClose={handleModalToggle} />

export default Home;

In this example, the parent component contains a button that toggles the visibility of the modal component. The modal component is conditionally rendered based on the value of the isModalVisible state. When the state is true, the modal component is displayed on top of the parent component.

Additionally, we pass a function handleModalToggle to the modal component as a prop. This function is used to toggle the state of isModalVisible when the user closes the modal.

Overall, this approach allows us to display a modal on a route while keeping the parent route displayed in the background.